Our VIsion

Our vision at Shodeshi is to create a world where sustainable and biodegradable products are the norm. We aim to lead the way in promoting a more environmentally conscious lifestyle by offering high-quality Areca leaf plates, glasses, bowls, and spoons that are made from 100% natural and renewable resources.

We believe that by making it easy and accessible for everyone to choose eco-friendly products, we can have a positive impact on the environment and help to create a greener future. Our goal is to see a world where people value sustainability and choose products that are good for the planet, not just for themselves.

We envision a future where traditional crafts and techniques are valued and celebrated, and where people are proud to use products that are not only beautiful and functional, but also eco-friendly. With our commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability, we believe that our vision of a greener future is within reach.